Saturday, September 23, 2017


We were so lucky to have Nana and Pa Booker come for a visit this week. Living across the country and then moving interrupted what would have been their annual trip to the east coast to see us, so it's been a while since they've visited with the kids. 

Between trips to the beaches (Pismo, Avila, and Morro Bay this trip), shopping downtown, daily walks at Laguna Lake, and a first Farmer's Market, we kept them pretty busy. It was wonderful to see them and have a chance to catch up.

Of course, we were having so much fun I forgot to get the camera out until just before we drove them to the airport. Brad met us there for the send off.



Thank you so much for visiting, Ann and Daryl! We love you and are looking forward to seeing you more often now that we are closer!

Monday, August 14, 2017

May the Fourth Be With You

Will's Fourth Star Wars Birthday Extravaganza was yesterday. We had some friends over to the house and partied like the Death Star had just been destroyed. Will specifically requested three things for this birthday;

1. To be in a bubble.

2. A Light Saber Dance Party

3. Broccoli for dinner

I am happy to say that, over the course of the week, we served up all his birthday wishes and then some.

First, Nana and Pa sent and awesome new cement mixer! 

Then there was a trip to Tom's toys with the birthday loot from Grandma and Grandpa.

There was broccoli and cantaloupe for dinner on his actual birthday... 

... with a starter cake for dessert.

On Sunday, there was a little pre-party relaxing with a good read.

Double chocolate Star Wars Cake with strawberries, raspberries, and Nutella "frosting."

Dance Party lightsabers!

"Be in a bubble," quickly devolved into this...   

... and this...

... and some of this happened, too.

"Can't Stop the Feeling!"

"Iko Iko"

Sienna taking a breather.

I think it's fair to say that Sienna showed up Anastasia in lightsabering.

Natalie and Lola went on to take the finals in the Mommy/Toddler round. 

That face!

 state your name,
 do solemnly swear
to not hit any person with my lightsaber
but to only touch other lightsabers with my lightsaber,
upon penalty of death,

"Happy birthday to you!" 

"Make a wish!"

Happy, happy birthday, Wilson! You are our very favorite four year old!!! 

Monday, August 7, 2017


Between the move and a remodel across the country we needed a break yesterday, so we packed up the kids and headed to Morro Bay.

It was pretty overcast, but the temperature was perfect! It was so nice to be able to enjoy the beach as a family. And the kids had a great time digging in the sand and wading through the surf.  


"Mommy, I'm camouflaged!"

We have missed you, Morro Bay!  

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Aquarium Farewell

As you all know by now, we are moving back to San Luis Obispo in just a few days. But there was one last thing we needed to do before leaving Tampa.

This year for her birthday Harper asked to Swim With The Fishes at the Florida aquarium. Actually, it's what she's asked for every year since she was two, but I digress. Because we'll be back in SLO before the big day, I decided to take her for MY birthday this year. So here we are, swimming in the shallow reef tank exhibit.

Harper did so well! It took her a few minutes to get used to not holding her breath under water and to use the regulator, and then it took her a couple more minutes to get used to swimming away from the main platform over an area too deep for her to comfortably dive. But eventually she got the hang of it and was paddling allover the tank in wonder. I was so proud of her!

She was simply awestruck! It was a wonderful send off to the Florida Aquarium (our second home; the place where Harper spoke her first word and where Will stood on his own for the first time), a wonderful 45th birthday adventure for me (why does 45 sound so much older than 44?), and an unforgettable Mommy-Daughter Day all around!

Goodbye, Florida Aquarium! We will miss you!  

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017

Easter this year was awesome. There was egg hunting, flower picking, candy eating, tractor riding, strawberry picking, swing set playing, archery practicing and a lot of picnicking. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves... 

Thank you for a memorable Easter, MacWherters and Bullians! We are so lucky to have you in our lives!