Pat used to work with Brad back in the day at the Cal Poly Organic farm before I worked there (and before he had even met Vanya, for that matter!). I met Vanya at a dog park event and eventually trained her in dog behavior. So, as you can see, our history runs deep.
We had such a great few days showing them around Tampa that we completely forgot to take pictures until literally fifteen minutes prior to their leaving. And even then I forgot my nice camera, so my phone was all we had to prove they were ever here.
Sebastian fell in love with the new popsicle place in Ybor.
Our crew.
Much of photo time was spent coaxing Will to sit still. But this is the only good photo of Sebastian that I was able to get.
I'm not really sure what's going on here.
Will took a real shine to Pat.
Harper was inconsolable when they left.
Look! I got in one, too!
Well, two.
Thank you so much for coming all this way to visit, Pat, Vanya and Sebastian! Looking forward to popsicles in Norway with you!