There are some great questions out there. Profound, intellectual questions that reflect man’s insatiable quest for knowledge since the dawn of time. Questions like, why does light sometimes act like a particle and sometimes like a wave? Or philosophical questions regarding the subjectivity of morality. But we don’t have time for questions like that. The real question around here is: what the heck color are Harper’s eyes?
Like so many babies, her eyes started out a beautiful blue-gray, and they just got blue-grayer as she got older (if that makes any sense). But by the time she was a year old they started to get small, brown flecks in them. Her pediatrician took the easy way out and just calls them blue (she’s a quitter). Currently we are calling them “blayzel” (as in blue-gray-hazel, but I’m not sure hazel is even a good description). Some people have said they look green but we don’t see it.
So, what do you think? Blue? Gray? Hazel? … or a horse of a different color all together?