Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Bunny

We had a sparse Easter this year. Besides not being a big “Easter Family” (it didn’t even dawn on me that I should have bought jelly beans and chocolate rabbits until Sunday morning) everyone in our household is in the midst of suffering with a pretty nasty chest cold, so our meager plans were dialed down to the most basic celebration we could get away with. We ended up at the neighborhood park for a quick egg hunt and some quality family time. Then we topped off the afternoon with egg salad sandwiches for lunch. Harper was a trooper, and had a great time despite her cold.  

Brown eggs because we were too sick to go to the store to buy white ones. I decorated them with permanent markers for efficiency. It was a six minute project done under duress. 

They turned out OK.

My gorgeous girl in her Easter dress.

Harper's library book bag doubled as an egg basket for the occasion
(thank you, Wessels family!)

 Brad did a great job hiding the eggs.

 Harper "re-hid" one for us in the hollow of a tree.

 Brad tried to retrieve it, but it was stuck. Goodbye forever, egg!

 Then it was time to play in the sand.


 Our pretty Sand Princess.

 And would it be Easter without an Easter bonnet?

 This one reminds me of Alice in Wonderland for some reason.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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