Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Potty Time

Last night I stumbled upon Harper in the bathroom potty training her stuffed animals. You’ll be relieved to know that after finishing the task at hand Mr. Ribbit wiped, flushed and washed his hands (flippers?) thoroughly.  

So, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re all potty training all-the-time around here lately. Harper’s not actually ready to fully commit yet; she’s just toying with the idea. But she is mighty interested in talking about all things potty related.

For example, when she greeted me this morning in her crib the first words out of her mouth were, “Poopy diaper is warm.” And it was, too. And when we were swimming at neighbor Karen’s pool yesterday she happily announced, “Mommy wear underwear!” while she repeated the sign for underwear over and over to an amused Karen. So, of course, I was forced to fawn all over her for recognizing a thing like that, despite my mild embarrassment.

Several times now she has decreed that she needs to use the potty only to prove her point as we are scrambling to get her diaper off. I’m convinced that her intentions are good. It’s just her timing that’s a little off.

In the meantime we have watched every potty video known to man. As a result I’ve had this album stuck in my head for a week:    

I’ve found myself humming the Potty Time theme song without realizing it while at the grocery store and again at the library. Thanks for the video suggestion, Scott (I may be saying this facetiously).  
Has anyone else seen this Sesame Street video? It's mind-numbingly awful. I can feel myself getting dumber everytime we watch it. Ah, the things you sacrifice for your kids. Things like intellectual stimulation, taste and standards.

So expect me to start making obnoxiously stereotypical parental-type posts regarding Harper’s new toilet behavior starting very soon (Or does this mean I’ve already started? Sorry. I can’t believe how much this is taking over our lives.).

In the meantime, Brad got some shots of our little paleontologist taking a nap the other day (please note the new plush triceratops aka "Toppy," dinosaur books and plastic dinosaur figurines scattered akimbo). Enjoy!   

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