Sunday, March 24, 2013


Well, the countdown has begun for the big day! My ultrasound is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon and we’re on pins and needles around here. Not only to make sure the baby is healthy (of course) but also to find out the gender of our little one.

It sounds so cliché but Brad and I will be happy with either a boy or girl so long as it’s healthy (and even if it’s not, frankly).  I think sisters would be sweet but I also thing one of each would be fun.

Our families, I fear, are a different story. As much as they keep saying they’ll be happy with whatever comes along the disproportionate number of granddaughters on both sides of our family leads me to believe they are pulling for a boy. I’ve heard more than once that the Booker name may well die out if we have a girl (all of Brad’s cousins have girls, too). No pressure, though. And when I discussed my concerns with my mother she didn’t exactly deny my suspicions. I believe her exact response was something like, “Yeah, well…” before trailing off. This is particularly disconcerting to me as we are statistically more likely to have a girl given both my age and our family history.
The next big topic around here will be deciding on a name for the baby. Brad and I agreed that we would forgo all arguments for or against specific baby names until after the baby’s gender was determined; that way we’d only be quarrelling over one name and not two. I also have pretty strict guidelines a potential name must meet before being a serious contender in the name game:

1. When you see the name printed the pronunciation should be intuitive for the average person.

2. When you hear the name spoken the spelling should be intuitive for the average person.

3. It must be a name to grow up with (sound equally appropriate for a child as well as an adult).

4. It must be a real name and not a made up one.

5. And finally, it must be uncommon, but not unheard of. 

Brad is a little simpler. When we found out we were having a girl last time he just presented the names of girls he had crushes on in grammar school. I told him firmly that Jessica and Erika were fine names… in 1978.
Harper has been very helpful. She has submitted the following offerings for consideration:

Baby Bepper

Peter Piper, and my personal favorite,

Noted, Harper. Noted.
Stay tuned for the next exciting installment!  Also, our day at the zoo:

There is a special animatronic dinosaur exhibit at the zoo this month. I thought Harper would love it but it turned out to be a little overwhelming for her. She spent most of her time there wanting to be held. The gift shop, however, was a big hit. Of course, on our way out of the zoo she was begging to see the "big dinosaurs" again, so I guess she's not scarred for life after all.  
We went to the zoo with friends Scott and his adorable daughter Zoe, who is Harper's buddy. After the animatronic display the girls got to go in the bounce house and dig in the sand box for "dinosaur bones." Harper was too enthralled to listen to instructions. I am a terrible parent for not putting the camera down to follow-through, but they were just so darn cute together. Bad mommy!  
Two tired kiddos at the end of the day. Harper crashed as soon as we got home. Thank you for the zoo day, Scott and Zoe!

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