Monday, June 4, 2012

Attn: Grandparents

Some of you have been requesting gift ideas for Harper. Here is a (short) list of some items I know she’d like but we’ll never purchase for her. I hope this helps!

Gymboree Bubble Ooodles with Wand and Tray - 4oz


I’ll be honest; I just can’t bring myself to spend $20 on bubbles. But the Gymboree Bubble Ooodles really are THE BEST BUBBLES EVER. And Harper LOVES, LOVES, LOVES these (They use them at her library programs as well as her Music and More class. Consequently, she refers to our librarian, Miss Alyssa, as “Bubble Lady”.). So if you feel like splurging these are a winner. 

Star Magic’s Twinkle Rainbow Disco Ball Projector


This thing is just plain crazy and bordering on obnoxious but would be perfect for Harper’s one woman dance parties (and we all know how cute she is when she dances). So if you’re looking for a passive-aggressive way to both thrill Harper while simultaneously annoying her parents, this is the way to go.  

Lakeshore’s Turn & Learn Magnetic Gears

This is just too frivolous for us to purchase (we are stingy, stingy parents) but Harper is mesmerized by it every time we go to the Lakeshore store. I know she’d be tickled to have one. And, admittedly, they are pretty cool.
Of course, one can never have too many art supplies or books. And you can never go wrong with the sentimental gifts, like hand written letters on her birthday (I’m saving them all for her to enjoy as she grows up) or photos of you so she can see her grandparents.
I’m sure you have some better ideas than I do. Thanks for thinking of our little love bug!  

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