Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Waiting Game

This morning I found Harper chewing on a beaded bracelet her cousin, Harriett, made for me when she was six. Concerned that she might be able to chew through the line and swallow one of the beads, I took it away from her. When I set the bracelet down the beads scattered and I realized she had already chewed through it, so I started to count the beads to make sure none were missing. It was about that time that I realized that one large, yellow bead was missing and, simultaneously, heard Harper coughing in the other room. Panicked, I ran in to her only to find her smiling in the middle of the living room. Then she pointed to her mouth proudly and said, "ball!" I take this to mean she has officially ingested her first foreign object.

The waiting game begins.

P.S. That flouncy 70’s looking top is the real deal. It was mine when I was little and Harper dug it out and insisted on wearing it. I think it looks adorable with her little jeans.

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