Thursday, November 12, 2015


Maisy Joonbug 

Today we said goodbye to our sweet Maisy Joonbug. After nearly five months of battling cancer, it became very clear this morning that her pain was too great. I took her out for one last pack walk and took some final photos to remember her by- not that we could ever forget her. 

Then we let her go. 

Maisy was the best dog we could have ever asked for. She changed my life. I became interested in dog behavior because of her. She mock-nursed dozens of bottle-fed kittens; mothering them in a way I never could. She brought balance to innumerable dogs, and became the matriarch of our pack. I will always remember her sweet puppy face, her patient demeanor, and her loyalty. 

Thank you for being my dog, Maisy. Thank you for being my teacher for 13 years. The grief I feel now is so great only because of how deeply I loved you, but it is worth everything to have had the honor of knowing you.

Rest now, sweet girl. You have earned it.


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